For over 29 years Fox's research has covered the fields of solar and solar-terrestrial physics, ocean and environmental informatics, computational and computer science, and distributed semantic data frameworks. The results are applied to large-scale distributed data science investigations. This research utilizes state-of-the-art modeling techniques, internet-based technologies, including the semantic web, and applies them to large-scale distributed scientific repositories addressing the full life-cycle of data and information within specific science and engineering disciplines as well as among disciplines. Fox serves on the editorial boards of many prominent Emth and space science informatics journals. Fox was a member of the ICSU Strategic Coordinating Committee on Information and Data (SCCID), tasked in part
to 'establish and asse1t a visible and effective strategic leadership role, on behalf of the global scientific community, in relation to the policies, management and stewardship of scientific data and information'. Fox was awarded the 2012 EGU Ian McHarg Medal for significant contributions to Earth and Space Science Informatics and the 2012 Martha Maiden Lifetime achievement award for service to the Earth Science information community.